A century after his legendary death, Dracula's blood sister has emerged with her own nefarious plans. Will a newly minted private detective with a mysterious past put an end to these malevolent intent...
Struggling with an endless cycle of family-destroying addiction and shame, an aging Mitch Jennings finally gets his shot at professional baseball. But, taking that chance will mean turning his back on...
Cuando el infame "Asesino de los Dulces Dieciséis" regresa 35 años después de su primer asesinato para reclamar otra víctima, Jamie, de 17 años, viaja accidentalmente en el tiempo hasta 1987, dec...
EEUU /// El film se centra en Ted Morgan (Seann William Scott), un hombre deprimido que regresa a su ciudad natal para corregir ciertos errores del pasado… antes de suicidarse.